
To purchase tickets for OSCA events, please contact us:

ticket_400By Post:
181 Long Street

By Telephone:
01827 713634

By Email:

Please ensure you include:

  • Your full name and address
  • The name of the event
  • The date of the event
  • Any special requirements
  • Disabled access requirements

By completing the form below:

Please do NOT use this form for Atherstone Dramatic Society, Leading Players, or Theatre Workshop events.  Please use the contact details shown on the event itself.

Please do NOT use this form for other enquiries, such as availability and bookings.  This form is for use ONLY to purchase tickets for events organised and run by the OSCA Centre directly, NOT for any other purpose.  Use our Contact Form instead.

Please ensure all the boxes below are completed.


Purchase Tickets for the OSCA Centre
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